not differing much from (the subject talked about): Your remarks are close to treason!.
based on a strong feeling of respect, honor, or love. near in a kind of family relationship: He was a close relative. marked by similarity in degree, etc.: Dark pink is close to red. Nearby: Our apartment is close to the train station. to reduce the price of (merchandise) for quick sale: They closed out mattresses. to surround, as if to suffocate: The fog closed in on us. to approach quietly and secretly, such as to capture or kill: They closed in on the wounded animal. Stop: The radio station closed down at 3 a.m.
Business (of a stock) to be priced at the end of a day or when stocks are traded: The American Exchange closed up at an average 50 cents a share. Suspend the operation of: The police closed the bar for selling liquor to minors. The owners closed the store for the night. to stop giving the usual services (of): School closed for the summer. They managed to close on the house they wanted. to end or conclude (a business deal) successfully: We closed a deal that was good for both our companies. The sermon closed with a warning not to forget God's poor. to (cause to) come to an end: The chair moved to close debate. to bring together the parts of: She closed her lips. Prevent access to: The country closed its border to tourists. to stop or obstruct (a gap, etc.): to close (up) a hole in the wall. to (cause to) become shut: The door closed with a bang. kloʊs/ USA pronunciation v., closed, clos